De zeer getalenteerde Bev heeft me 2 (!) prachtige awards gegeven.

Dankjewel, Bev!
En als jullie haar blog nog niet kennen, is het zeker een bezoekje waard.
Ze is ook featured stamper op SplitCoastStampers deze week - gefeliciteerd!
Ik geef ze graag door aan Line, Marlene, Inge, Kiyomi en Jeanette.
Today I feel very flattered.
The very talented Bev has given me 2 (!) lovely awards.
Thank you very much, Bev!
And if you dont know her blog yet, you definitely have to visit it.
She's featured stamper this week as well at SplitCoastStampers - congrats!
I'd like to pass them on to Line, Marlene, Inge, Kiyomi and Jeanette.
3 opmerkingen:
Thank you so much for the awards!!!
I feel very flattered!
I'm gonna send you an email and see if I can attatch a file with the ones I have. I might have to do it a little later today, but you'll hear from me;)
Congratulations on your awards sweetie, so deserving. hugs rachxx
Congrats on your awards my friend! You certainly desrve them with your lovely and sweet creations! Thanks so much for passing them on to me! I am delighted! Hugs Jeanette x
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